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"PHP Fatal error: Class 'MongoDB\Client' not found in ..."

The MongoDB\Client class is contained in the new MongoDB driver for PHP. Here is an installation guide. The driver is a PHP extension written in C and maintained by MongoDB. Mongolid and most other MongoDB PHP libraries utilize it in order to be fast and reliable.

"Class 'MongoDB\Client' not found in ..." in CLI persists even with MongoDB driver installed.

Make sure that the php.ini file used in the CLI environment includes the MongoDB extension. In some systems, the default PHP installation uses different .ini files for the web and CLI environments.

Run php -i | grep 'Configuration File' in a terminal to check the .ini that is being used.

To check if PHP in the CLI environment is importing the driver properly run php -i | grep 'mongo' in your terminal. You should get output similar to:

$ php -i | grep 'mongo'
mongodb support => enabled
mongodb version => 1.1.3

This package requires php >=8.0 but your PHP version (X.X.X) does not satisfy that requirement.

The new (and improved) version 2.0 of Mongolid requires php 8.0. If you are looking for the old PHP 5.x version, head to the v0.8 branch.